Friday, July 31, 2009

Kill Switch

Kill Switch
This is truly the worst Seagal movie ever LOL I'm not gonna go on about this cos it doesn't merit the attention :) Seagal only has speaking parts as all the action sequences are now obviously a stuntman who is clearly thinner and younger :) and the fight sequences....well...what can I say....absolutely hilarious :) Ive never seen so much bad editing and the reuse of the same shot over and over again. I swear you see the same shot of Seagal grimacing about 9times during one fight. There's clearly no contact being made with the hits, the baddies never show any signs of the beating and keep getting up for more D'oh! they never learn LOL Seagal cant be hurt, give up. At the start when a bad guy gets chucked out a window, its repeated over n over at different angles and the same angles LOL its almost a spoof. Watch for the pure joy of seeing fat Seagal pretending to beat up fitter younger guys

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